BBC Radio Nottingham interview 2014

On sale from Friday 30th October – I am thrilled to be a part of ’Change Your Money Mindset’ feature in Psychologies December issue. I was overjoyed to be asked by the editorial team a few months ago, after making them aware of a hugely successful blog I wrote for the national movement Action For Happiness website, in early 2014. Still listed on the site as their most read news article, I think this highlights just how many people can resonate with my story. ‘Psychologies’ women’s magazine is a personal favourite of mine, one which I buy and read regularly, because unlike other national monthly glossies, it focuses on many well-being issues close to my heart.

Over the last few weeks I have also been working extremely hard to complete my first book ‘There Is a Way’– one that was half written a couple of years ago and then shelved after countless submission rejections from literacy agents. Long overdue, it tells the story about my thirty-year battle with depression and how in the darkest of hours a hidden talent not only helped to turn my life around, but is now the nucleus behind A Compassionate VOICE 


Sharon X